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Feb 06, 2012
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Chairman of the Egyptian Al-Shorouk Publishers Ibrahim Al-Mualem Rejects Conspiracy Theories Regarding the Port Said Soccer Riots

#3324 | 01:25
Source: Al-Hayat 2 TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Ibrahim Al-Mualem, chairman of the Egyptian Al-Shorouk publishers, which aired on Al-Hayat2 TV on February 6, 2012:

Interviewer: Somebody sent me a text message, saying that he has definite information that Israel was behind the [soccer] massacre at Port Said. What do you think about this?

Ibrahim Al-Mualem: Well, this is…

Interviewer: Israel, Zionism, global imperialism… Are we held captive by this mentality, or what?

Ibrahim Al-Mualem: The easiest thing is to pin the blame on foreign powers. Even if that were the case, it would still be the responsibility of the Interior Ministry and the security agencies. This is completely unacceptable. These claims are below any standard. We cannot dismiss the lives that were lost with such claims. It is inconceivable that when people are killed, you refuse to pay compensation. This is shameful. It's wrong. This is beneath the standard of Egypt and its leadership, and beneath the humanity expected from you in the 21st century.


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