Dr. Ashraf Nusairat delivered a sermon at the Dar Al-Hijrah Mosque in Chicago, in which he said that the Muslims were forsaking the law of Allah in favor of the man-made laws of their countries. "All this is happening... because we love this world more than we love Allah and Islam, because we love our children more than we love making sacrifices for the sake of Allah, and because we love our spouses more than we love making sacrifices for the sake of Allah and Islam," said Nusairat. The sermon, which was delivered in Arabic, was posted on the Dar Al-Hijrah YouTube channel on August 18, 2017.
Ashraf Nusairat: "We have the Quran and the Sunna of His Prophet, but we have forgotten them. We have forgotten them and followed the man-made laws of Jordan, and of the U.S., Britain, France, Somalia, and so on and so forth, forsaking the law of Allah. We have forsaken them. Allah says: 'Whoever turns away from My remembrance – his will be a life of hardship.' This is what we have brought upon ourselves, by distancing ourselves from our religion, by our love for this world and our hatred of death. This is what the Prophet Muhammad said. Can you believe that the nation of Islam has spread Islam and compassion all over the world? Whenever [the Muslims] entered a town or a village, they would spread Islam, compassion, and justice. The [U.S.] president tours [the Arab world] and collects the jizya poll tax from its rulers. How humiliating! How humiliating! All this is happening because of our distance from the religion of Allah, and because we love this world more than we love Allah and Islam, because we love our children more than we love making sacrifices for the sake of Allah, and because we love our spouses more than we love making sacrifices for the sake of Allah and Islam."