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Jul 14, 2024
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China And Russia Hold Joint Military Exercise In South China Sea Entailing Reconnaissance, Anti-Submarine, Air Defense Drills

#11336 | 01:18
Source: CCTV (China)

On July 14, 2024, CCTV Video News Agency shared on its YouTube channel a report about the launch of the "Joint Sea 2024" military exercise held jointly by China and Russia in the South China Sea. The exercise started at a Chinese military port in the city of Zhanjiang in China's Guangdong province. According to the report, the exercise involved sea and air drills, anchorage defense, joint reconnaissance, early warning, search and rescue, anti-submarine drills, anti-missile and air defense drills, and live-fire exercises.

Onscreen text: "At the opening ceremony, the general directors of China and Russia delivered speeches respectively. The Chinese director said that the two navies have extensive exchanges in professional fields ad have been improving their joint naval exercise and training mechanism. He said the two sides have always been the most important and reliable partner of each other and have always adhered to forward-looking and efficient development strategies, with bilateral practical cooperation running at a high level."

Chinese director: "I hereby announce the start of the China-Russia 'Joint Sea – 2024' military exercise."

Onscreen text: "After the ceremony, the two sides will carry out desktop maneuvers and tactical coordination. Later, the Chinese and Russian naval fleets with conduct exercises in the sea and airspace near Zhanjiang, including anchorage defense, joint reconnaissance and early warning, search and rescue, anti-submarine, anti-missile operations and air defense, and conduct trainings on the actual use of weapons."

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