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Dec 17, 2024
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Chinese TV Report On Shandong Aircraft Carrier

#11697 | 02:30
Source: Online Platforms - "CCTV on YouTube"

On December 17, 2024, China's CCTV Video News Agency published a video report about China's first domestically built aircraft carrier, Shandong, which had been commissioned on December 17, 2019. The video contains information about the carrier’s technical capabilities, footage of the carrier firing guns and missiles, and footage of fighter jets – including the J-15 “Flying Shark” – taking off from the carrier. The video also explains how the capabilities and usage of the carrier have been increasing over recent years.

Onscreen text: "Shandong aircraft carrier has been honing its victory-winning skills in far-sea operations as the first domestically designed and build aircraft carrier celebrated its fifth anniversary. In recent years, Shandong aircraft carrier has continuously enhanced its aviation support capacity through strategies such as multi-skill training, streamlining personnel to increase efficiency, and other optimizing team formations. By doing so, J-15m China's first fixed-wing carrier-based fighter, which [was] dubbed the 'Flying Shark', are now launching at faster speeds, with higher frequencies and on a larger scale."

Sailor Zeng Wenhui: "Compared to the time when it was first commissioned, our carrier's aircraft launch support time has now been reduced by a quarter. Last year, our carrier recorded the highest number of aircraft launches, and this year, we have maintained this upward momentum and [it] is continuously setting new records."

Onscreen text: "With a large number of new equipment being commissioned, the combat capability of Shandong aircraft carrier strike group continues to advance to new heights."

Sailor Xiao Chuanyu: "Recently, we conducted joint air superiority combat drills, during which new-generation fighter jets extended their detection and strike range through aerial refueling. At the same time, with the joining of new missile destroyers, our strike group's capabilities for surface and land attacks, as well as air defense and missile interception, have become more diversified. This has further enriched our combat approaches and significantly enhanced the comprehensive operational capability of the entire group."

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