The following are excerpts from a program featuring Coptic priest Zakariya Boutrus, which aired on Al-Hayat TV on August 22, 2005.
Host: Let's return to Ahmad Didat's book 'Atad Al-Jihad, and discuss some illogical absurdities that this book of his attributes to the Bible, such as the issue of eating feces and drinking urine. This is an ugly topic, but what is your opinion?
Boutrus: He handpicked a number of issues in order to criticize the Bible for discussing such ugly matters. But he forgot to mention that these words were said by Rabshakeh, who commanded the army of the Israelites' enemies. The translator (of the Bible) wrote the same thing: "the leader of the Assyrian kingdom threatened the people of God and told them: 'The men who sit on the wall are doomed to eat their own excrement and to drink their own urine'." Look at the term selected by the Bible - "their excrement." But this man (Didat) wants to portray it in an ugly manner, and this is why he used an expression that is dirty.
It was the commander of the enemy army who said this, but Didat failed to mention this. He just quoted it like that. Why? In order to delude naive Muslims that the Bible orders the eating of feces and the drinking of urine. This is very strange. This is falsifying, lying, and deceiving. They should know the extent of the lies and deceit of their great scholar.
But I think that what Didat said served to cover up a disaster or a scandal in Islam itself, so that no one would criticize it.
Host: What disaster or scandal?
Boutrus: This scandal appears in Al-Bukhari's compilation of hadiths, no less.
"Some people got sick, and the Prophet ordered them to go to his camel herd, and to drink from their milk and urine." He told them to drink from the milk and the urine. "So they drank milk and urine until their bodies were healed. They killed the shepherd and stole the camels. The Prophet Muhammad sent for them, and they were brought before him, and cut off their hands and feet, and hammered nails into their eyes." He hammered hot nails into their eyes. "...until they bit the ground in pain."
In order to cover up the scandal of drinking the camel urine, (Didat) blames the Bible for saying the same thing? This is very strange.
Why does Didat mention Samson and the woman he fornicated with? In order to cover up a scandal in the life of Muhammad.
Host: What scandal?
Boutrus: A scandal... I prefer not to use my own words, so I won't be accused of offending the Prophet. I am quoting from books. In Ibn Kathir's interpretation of the Koran, which you can find on the internet, on In his interpretation of the following verse from the Al-Tahrim Chapter: "O Prophet, why do you forbid yourself that which Allah has made lawful to you, seeking the pleasure of your wives? Allah is most forgiving..."
Host: You are talking about what Muhammad did in Hafsa's bed.
Boutrus: Yes, that's what I'm trying to say. Bravo.
Hafsa, the mother of the believers, the wife of Muhammad, went to visit her father one day. This was "her day" - meaning, the day Muhammad is with her. When the Prophet arrived and didn't find her at home, he sent for his slave girl, Maria the Copt, and slept with her in Hafsa's house. When Hafsa came home, she found him this way. "This way" means she caught him red-handed. She cried: "Oh Messenger of God, this is what you do in my own house and on my own day?" He replied: "She is forbidden to me. Don't tell anyone about it." I am reading this from Al-Bayhaq. I am not making this up. He said "She is forbidden to me, don't tell anyone." But Hafsa went to 'Aisha and told her.
Then Allah delivered the verse: "O Prophet why do you forbid yourself that which Allah has made lawful to you?"
The Al-Nisa chapter of the Koran, verse 24 reads: "As for those from whom you receive pleasure, pay them their dues." Enjoy the women and pay them. Do my dear Muslims understand the meaning of these words? What is the difference between this and a whorehouse?