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Oct 11, 2024
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Dearborn, Michigan Imam Hassan Qazwini In Sermon At Islamic Institute Which Previously Held Memorial For Slain Hizbullah Secretary-General Nasrallah: Those Who Die For The Sake Of Allah Are Not Dead; True Believers Do Not Say 'Ouch' On The Thorny Path To Victory; Who Cares About Destroyed Homes? They Can Be Rebuilt; Questioning Why Things Happen Is Satanic

#11496 | 04:10
Source: Online Platforms - "The Islamic Institute of America on YouTube"

In his October 11, 2024, Friday sermon at the Islamic Institute of America in Dearborn Heights, MI, Imam Hassan Qazwini emphasized the importance of resolve in the face of Israeli attacks on Hizbullah in southern Lebanon and the war in Gaza. He declared that "true believers" should not "say ouch" while traversing the "thorny" path that leads to victory. Qazwini urged his audience to prove themselves "worthy" of this "hard" test and to accept the heavy price nations must pay for victory. He cited Algeria as an example, where he said two million people lost their lives in the struggle for freedom.

Referring to a Quranic verse, he said that those who die for the sake of Allah are not truly dead but are alive and happy in Paradise. Addressing the destruction of homes and apartments, he stated that there is no reason to shed any tears because they can be rebuilt. He stressed that losing resilience and resolve is disastrous, asserting that thoughts questioning this resolve are "Satanic thoughts." The sermon was livestreamed on the YouTube channel of the Islamic Institute of America. Notably, the institute held a memorial for Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah on September 29.

Hassan Qazwini: "My beloved brothers and sisters. I know that I am speaking to you today, when our hearts in this community and abroad in Lebanon and Gaza, our hearts are full of sorrow and grief for what is happening right now, and for what happened in the course of the last two or three weeks.


"Don't complain about walking in a thorny path when you know that this path would definitely lead you to victory tomorrow.


"True believers are not supposed to say 'ouch'. We have to be much stronger, my dear brothers and sisters. The test is big, huge, but we have to be up to that test. Nations have paid a heavy price for their victory, my ear brothers and sisters.


"Two million people were martyred in Algeria before Algeria was finally able to be liberated. We have to accept the facts. And the fact is that in order for us Muslims, believers, the followers of Ahl el-Bayt [the family of Prophet Muhammad], to remain dignified, to maintain our dignity, to not bow down our heads before the enemy, and not to succumb to his plans, we have to pay a price. And it could be a heavy price. But the question 'is it worth it?' – absolutely. Absolutely it is worth it.


"Never call those who are killed in the sake of Allah, in the sake of their dignity and freedom, never call them dead. Because they are never dead. They are alive. They are looking down at you now, with a big smile on their face. They are happy.


"Homes, apartments, who cares, my dear brothers and sisters? Apartments and homes can be rebuilt.


"Allah will utilize certain people, governments, whoever, that will rebuild whatever has been demolished. We are not going to shed tears for buildings and apartments, because they are easily replaceable. And we will replace them. And we will rebuild everything that has been demolished, and it will be rebuilt in a much better fashion than before, my dear brothers and sisters.

"The most important thing is that we need to remain resilient. We should not lose our resilience. The disaster is when we lose our resilience. When we show signs of weakness. When we question ourselves. When we question our will. When we question our mission.

"When we start saying 'why did this happen? Why did that happen? Why did this guy do that? Why did he go there?' Those are Satanic questions. Those are Satanic thoughts, my dear brothers and sisters. We should not let them weaken our resolve and our resilience. We have to remain strong.

"We have to tell our beloved people in Lebanon and Gaza: stay the course. Allah is watching over you. And Allah will never, ever let your down. Yes, you may go through difficulties, but you are the victorious ones."

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