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Sep 23, 2014
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Dutch Jabhat Al-Nusra Fighter from Site of U.S. Air Strike in Syria: We Will Keep Fighting

#4515 | 02:02
Source: Online Platforms

In this English-language video, posted on the Internet on September 23, a Dutch Islamist fighting with Jabhat Al-Nusra in Syria displays the destruction caused by the U.S. air strikes in Syria and vows: "We will stay strong and keep on fighting the enemies."

Following is an excerpt:

Jabhat Al-Nusra fighter: As you can see, this is one of the place where the mujahideen of Jabhat Al-Nusra used to stay. In the night, we got attacked by a coalition of America and some Arab countries. As you can see, they have destroyed the whole place. A lot of mujahideen have been killed by these attacks. As the mujahideen from Europe, we want to show to the world that we against any form of aggression against the mujahideen. We, the mujahideen, fight so that we can implement the law of Allah, and as you can see, these Americans are relentless, and are harsh in their fighting against the Muslims. To the brothers and the Muslims worldwide I want to say: See what the enemies of Allah do to the places of the mujahideen. They came and attacked us in the night. Many brothers died, and many brothers got wounded. But Allah willing, although this happened, Allah will give us victory over these infidels, and we will prevail, Allah willing, and get victory. Although things like this happen, it is the fate ordained by Allah, and we will stay strong and keep on fighting the enemies. Although things like this happen to us, we will keep on fighting the enemies.


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