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Dec 15, 2012
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Egyptian Belly Dancing Satire in Protest of Morsi's Conduct and Constitution

#3694 | 03:52
Source: Online Platforms

Following are excerpts from a video posted on the Internet featuring belly-dancing satire in protest of Egyptian constitution by Sama Al-Masri, on December 15, 2012:

Sama Al-Masri holding a placard saying:


Sama Al-Masri: Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

You organized the Constituent Assembly and a million-man protest for him.

You shouted: “You are mine,” yet they besieged the media and TV channels.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

They removed one judge, put in another.

You rule, you’ve nothing better to do.

You’ve forgotten the past, and you stink like shit.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

They treated Muhammad better than Joseph.

That government does whatever it feels like.

The constitution is all about bread, they took women’s rights out of it.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

They cooked up the constitution overnight.

Prices are rising, but they canceled the subsidies.

Tomorrow we will have to beg for alms.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

Referendum or not, I don’t like this constitution.

Enough with your petty thefts, start dancing to the music.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

In the morning, he calls on us to support his decisions, and in the evening, he cancels them.

Inflate the balloons, he thinks he’s so smart.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

Nagati, inflate the balloons.

Imprison and kill the journalists, accuse all human beings of heresy.

Everything goes in the name of religion, and our lives are going down the drain.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

They surrounded the Assembly with thugs at the Itihadiya Palaca.

Kill all the rebels, and dance to the music of the Tet belly-dance channel.

Here he comes, girl. He has captured your heart, girl.

On Tet TV, on Tet TV, on Tet TV...

On Tet TV, on Tet TV, on Tet TV...

Oh dancers... Oh thugs...

Oh thieves... Oh prison wardens...

Oh liars... Oh peddlers in religion...

Oh terrorists... Oh liars... Oh terrorists...

Placard: “No to the Constitution.”

Man: Are you cursing me, you bitch?!

Sama Al-Masri: It’s not me. What do you want from me?


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