Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian businessman Naguib Sawiris, which aired on Dream 2 TV on March 5, 2013:
Naguib Sawiris: The [Muslim Brotherhood] rejects the democratic process. They insist on taking over. They placed 14,000 loyalists in key positions, and divide the people into "us" and "them." This is unacceptable. We are all Egyptians with green passports. This has never been done except in the days Mussolini's Fascist rule. Placing people in positions...
Interviewer: What is happening now resembles what was done by Mussolini or Hitler?
Naguib Sawiris: Of course. What gives them the right to "Brotherhoodize" this country?
Interviewer: Was it easy for your wife and kids to leave Egypt [for England]?
Naguib Sawiris: Of course not. What can I say, it was very difficult for the kids. They are Egyptians through and through. They are used to eating mulukhiyya... I raised my children as Egyptians, not as foreigners.
Interviewer: This is obviously painful for you.