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Oct 26, 2011
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Egyptian Cleric Amin Al-Ansari: The Jews Use Women to Harm Muslim Society

#3193 | 02:17
Source: Al-Rahma TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian cleric Amin Al-Ansari, which aired on Al-Rahma TV on October 26, 2011:

Amin Al-Ansari: In The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, they say: "Women benefit us. They help us, wherever they may be. Whenever a woman comes to our aid, we must not reject her, because we will definitely benefit from her." If women use their clothing to do that – [Jews] benefit. If women use their makeup to do that – they benefit. If women use their moral values to do that – [Jews] benefit. If women aid them through their rebelliousness – they benefit. If women do so through any means – they benefit.

Of course, when Zionism and Judaism, benefit, it means the decline not only of Muslim women, but of humanity as a whole. As proof, whenever any woman extends her hand to them, they cut off this pure hand, and it becomes – Allah forbid – despicable.

Look at the women of Hollywood, who extend their hands to the Jews – after all, it was the Jews who created Hollywood, and this is the most elite class of women in the world that cooperates with the Jews.

What did they do? Marilyn Monroe once said… A woman once said to her: "I’d like to be just like you. I'd like to become a famous actress like you." Marilyn Monroe wrote to her – and this letter still exists: "My girl, you'd be better off marrying a man who goes to work, then returns at the end of the day with the daily bread, and you will live happily with him, raising your children. It's better than being famous, but devoid of will and devoid of honor. Take a look at me. The Jews made me what I am, and now they are killing me."


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