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Apr 21, 2005
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Egyptian Cleric Gamal Qutub: The Jews Hate the World and the World Hates Them

#672 | 01:58
Source: Iqra TV (Saudi Arabia)

The following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian cleric Sheik Gamal Qutub, which aired on Iqra TV on April 21, 2005.

Qutub: Ever since the Jews first appear - they have denied the grace of Allah and killed His prophets. I can understand how a sick man refuses medication. It's easy. But what I cannot imagine is his rejecting the medication, spilling it, breaking the bottle, and killing the doctor. These Jews have turned against Allah, not just against humans. They killed His prophets so they would not guide them. They forged Allah's books, in order to sever the connection between heaven and earth. Their issue is not just with the Prophet Muhammad, but with the Creator Himself. They want to draw people away from Him, so they will have the earth for themselves, where they could charge usury, murder, and commit obscenities and abominations of all kinds. From their first prophets to the Prophet Muhammad, the Jews lurk in an attempt to extinguish the divine light.

Host: Are they "those who went astray" or "those who earned Allah's wrath"?

Qutub: They are "those who earned Allah's wrath." Allah's wrath and curses are upon them. Why? Because they have rejected the grace of Allah. I send you a doctor to heal you, and you throw away the medicine and cut off the doctor's head. This is unbelievable. This is the case with these people.

Host: My God!

Qutub: They hate the world and the world hates them. Therefore, the Prophet Muhammad informs us: "Judgment day will not come until the stones and trees call…" This is because the land is fed up with them. The stones and trees – even more than people – are fed up with what these people are doing. Therefore, the stones and trees will call to the mujahideen: "Come and fight these people."

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