Following are excerpts from a religious program featuring Egyptian cleric Sayyed Azab, which aired on Al-Omma TV on April 18, 2013:
Sayyed Azab: The Jews wanted to corrupt the world. They staged what is known as the French Revolution, establishing the world’s first republican regime. They wanted such regimes to protect them. They based the revolution on so-called freedom, fraternity, and equality, regardless of religion, race, gender, or language. Then they made themselves superior, and whenever anyone dares to criticize them, they raise hell, accusing him of being an antisemite.
They established the first republican regime, in order to leave the ghetto, or the Jewish neighborhood. The people suffered so much from the evil of the Jews that they confined them to designated neighborhoods, called ghettos, which they were not allowed to leave. They prevented them from marrying non-Jews. They confined the Jews to specific quarters, and prevented them from running in elections or doing anything, because they knew how dangerous and scheming the Jews are.
So the Jews carried out what is known as the French Revolution, in order to crawl out of the woodwork, and to practice their scheming in public, so that they could take over the world. After staging the French Revolution, the slogan of which was “Hang the last priest by the intestines of the last king,” they discovered that they had not accomplished their goal.
All this was not enough to corrupt the world and take control of it. So they carried out what is known as the Communist Revolution. Marx the Jew, the founder of the Communist theory, and Friedrich Engels, the philosopher of the revolution… The revolution was staged by Lenin, who was also a Jew. This entire revolution was carried out by the Jews. This is how they wanted to spread atheism throughout the world. Leon Trotsky the Jew established what was known as the Soviet Red Army, which brought catastrophes upon the Muslims, killing millions of them.
All these Jews wanted to spread atheism and to corrupt people.