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Mar 08, 2012
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Egyptian Philosopher Murad Wahba: The Muslim Brotherhood and Wahhabism Have Made Us Develop "Antibodies" against the 21st Century

#3360 | 01:21
Source: CBC TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian philosopher Murad Wahba, which aired on CBC TV on March 8, 2012 :

Murad Wahba : Ibn Taymiyya lived in the 13th century. He was against using reason to interpret religious texts, and preferred citing over thinking. In other words, he preferred the literal meaning over the inner meaning. Therefore, he called upon people to hear and obey. This was in the 13th century.

Five centuries later, in the 18th century, Wahhabism appeared, on the basis of Ibn Taymiyya. In the 20th century, the Muslim Brotherhood emerged, and it too based itself on Ibn Taymiyya. They all took us back to the context of the 13th century, and we have developed "antibodies" against the 21st century. This is the real crisis of our society today.


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