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Aug 07, 2012
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Egyptian TV Criticizes the Terrorists Who Murdered the Egyptian Soldiers in Sinai

#3527 | 01:47
Source: Channel 1 (Egypt)

Following is an excerpt from an Egypt TV video about the Sinai massacre of Egyptian soldiers, which aired on Channel 1 on August 7, 2012.

Voice: Who do you raise your weapons against?

Wake up! Awaken!

Arise from your slumber.

You are slaughtering one another, while the others sleep in the bosom of fornication.

Who do you raise your weapons against?

Against those who persevere, steadfast on our borders?

Or against those who drove us from our homes years ago?

Who do you raise your weapons against?

Israel celebrates today, and the news of our dead causes them joy, as long as our newborns are being orphaned, and we are being slaughtered from vein to vein.

Forgive us, oh the wounded!

You have been wounded for something that causes shame.

Or maybe you cannot be ashamed anymore?!

Who do you raise your weapons against?

Who do you raise your weapons against?

Title: "Those who do not deserve death were killed by those who do not deserve life."

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