In a statement on Al-Assema TV on June 13, Egyptian TV host Sayyed Ali criticized the recent MBC-Egypt TV acquisition of Paris Hilton to appear in a candid camera show. "You always find her in the scandalous tabloids," he said. "How do we benefit from this?"
Following are excerpts:
Sayyed Ali: In Egypt, we have a fifth column of the American media. The American media can turn anybody into a star. For example, there is a woman called Kim Kardashian. They call her "the star of reality TV." She gets into scandals and goes naked… What is her job? What are her qualifications? First of all, she looks ugly – if you'll excuse my language. I am sorry to say this, but all her qualifications can be summed up in her behind.
The American media turned her into a big thing and then exported her to us. She has become a star [here], and we publish all the news about her… What has this woman done? What has she produced? What has she done in her life? Absolutely nothing.
There's another woman, called Paris Hilton. She's from the Hilton dynasty. You always find her in the scandalous tabloids. She gets naked, or she gets drunk, or she is arrested by the police, or she makes dirty movies.
Along comes a TV channel [MBC-Egypt TV], and pays her $250,000 – over three million Egyptian pounds – to fly in a plane as part of a candid camera show. How do we benefit from this? This channel has endless funds, and it destroys everything in Egypt.