On June 30, 2020, an animated video of a spoken word poem titled "People Everywhere Are Chanting 'Death to America'" was uploaded to the Islamic Pulse YouTube channel, which is based in Qom, Iran. The narrator recited that she chanted "Death to America!" when "U.S. troops showered bombs on Iraq", when the U.S. helped "Saudi Arabia bomb starving Yemenis", when the U.S. helped Israel "exterminate Palestinians", when IRGC Qods Force Commander Qasem Soleimani was "murdered," and when Iran-sponsored Press TV anchor Marzieh Hashemi was arrested and "tortured" by the FBI. The narrator said that she continues to chant "Death to America!" today in solidarity with the protests in the United States. She then explained that the slogan is a warning to the people of America that the "capitalistic, militarized, racist, barbaric, Satanic system called America" is a danger, and that the world's problems will be solved if the institution of America is destroyed. The animation then depicted the Washington Monument crumbling down, the Capitol Building being destroyed in an explosion, and an American flag being riddled with bullets. For more from the Islamic Pulse YouTube channel, see MEMRI TV Clips No. 8103, No. 7903, and No. 6944.
Narrator: "Death to American is what I chanted when U.S. troops showered bombs on Iraq. Death to America is what I chanted when U.S. troops marched through the homes of Afghani families. Death to America is what I chanted when U.S. troops dropped airstrikes on Syria. Death to America is what I chanted with the U.S. military complex sold billions of dollars to the Saudis to bomb starving Yemenis. Death to America is what I chanted when the U.S. gave billions to Israel to exterminate Palestinians. Death to America when Qasem Soleimani, exterminator of ISIS, was murdered. Death to America is what I chanted when African American Muslim Marzieh Hashemi was arrested and tortured by the FBI. Death to America is what I chanted whenever a Black brother of mine was killed in police custody. Death to America is what I chant today with the millions on the streets in the U.S. Death to America is what I chant today as U.S. troops attack peaceful, American protesters with rubber bullets.
"This statement was never about hatred towards people of America, it was a statement of warning to the people of America that this capitalistic, militarized, racist, barbaric, satanic system called America was dangerous. We the people of the world had bared the brunt of it already. The solution to our problems and the solution to your problems lies in the removal of this entire institution called America. The day it greets its last will be the day the world will breathe again."