Speaking on the Palestinian Authority’s TV channel on August 13, Fatah Central Committee member Jibril Rajoub addressed Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, Defense Minister Lieberman, and Education Minister Bennett, saying: "You are criminals! You are neo-Nazis!" Rajoub said that the Palestinian people is "at the most dangerous phase in [its] history, since the Nakba of 1948," and that "the [Israeli] right, supported by the U.S. administration, wants to erase Palestine."
The following are excerpts:
Jibril Rajoub: "We are at the most dangerous phase in the history of the Palestinian people, since the Nakba of 1948: The [Fatah-Hamas] rift, the difficult circumstances of our people under occupation, because of the siege and the oppression, the regional collapse, and the bias of the U.S. administration in favor of a fascist [Israeli] government, which constitutes the neo-Nazis of this century, with all the measures and legislations – in the courts, in their Knesset, and so on. We Palestinians must realize the scope of the dangers threatening our cause. The [Israeli] right, supported by the U.S. administration, wants to erase Palestine.
"Netanyahu, Lieberman, and Bennett pretend to be merciful. You are criminals! You are neo-Nazis!"