On January 28, 2023, Fatah's Secretary in Jenin Ata Abu Rumeileh attended a march celebrating the previous-day Jerusalem synagogue massacre in which seven Israelis were killed by a Palestinian terrorist, as well as the same-day terror shooting in Jerusalem perpetrated by a 13-year-old Palestinian. At the march, Abu Rumeileh brandished an M-16-style rifle and was surrounded by dozens of armed and masked fighters. He praised the "righteous martyrs" who carried out these attacks and called for more attacks against Israel. He said that weapons and bullets should be the only language used with Israel and that the intifada has "turned into a war" that will not end until the blood of the "martyrs" is avenged. He added: "May these attacks send their corpses to Hell." The footage of the march was aired on Palestine Today TV (Lebanon).
Ata Abu Rumeileh: "These martyrdom operations by the sons of Jerusalem – the place from which our Prophet Muhammad ascended to Heaven... What has been an Intifada has now turned into a war. This war will not end [until] we avenge the blood of our martyrs in Jenin, and everywhere else. We salute those heroic commanders who drew a new picture in the heart of Jerusalem, [our] eternal capital. We congratulate our Palestinian people and our Arab and Islamic nation.
"May there be more attacks against the occupation, and may these attacks send their corpses to Hell. Allah Akbar!
"Confront the occupation soldiers and the herds of settlers with weapons and bullets. This should be the only language we use with the occupation. We congratulate our righteous martyrs.
"Today, we are handing out sweets instead of dates, in congratulation of our heroic martyrs."