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Mar 19, 2010
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Fatah Militants Claim Responsibility for Firing Missile, Killing Civilian in Israel

#2421 | 46
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Following is an excerpt from an Al-Jazeera TV report on a recent missile attack on Israel, in which a Thai worker was killed. The report aired on March 19, 2010.

Reporter: This footage was made public by the Fatah's Ayman Jouda Squads. They said these images show a locally-produced missile, which they fired from the Gaza Strip toward the Israeli city of Ashkelon, and which killed a Thai worker.

Abu Seif, Commander in the Ayman Jouda Squads: This is part of our initial response to the Judaization of our holy places, and it is in support of our people in Jerusalem.

We say to the Zionists: Our response to your crimes will not be in words, but through missiles and [armed] operations.

Reporter: Responsibility for the missile was also claimed by a group called the Ansar Al-Suna Brigades.

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