Interviewed on the Palestinian Authority's TV channel, Abdel-Elah Atira, a member of the Fatah Revolutionary Council, said: "I don't want to defend the Oslo Accords, but these accords brought in 850,000 Palestinians, who are now living in the West Bank and Gaza... This figure equals the number of people who left in 1948." The interview aired on September 12, 2018.
Abdel-Elah Atira: I don't want to defend the Oslo Accords, but these accords brought in 850,000 Palestinians, who are now living in the West Bank and Gaza. What has [Hamas] done for the Palestinian cause? [This] 850,000 equals the number of Palestinians who were driven out in 1948. [Hamas] is part of the Legislative Council, which is based on those accords… This figure equals the number of people who left in 1948.