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Sep 02, 2024
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Participants In 'Flood NYC For Gaza' Rally Wave Flags Of U.S. Designated Terrorist Organizations, Yahya Sinwar; Nerdeen Kiswani Of Within Our Lifetime: A Ceasefire Is Not Enough; If You Stand With Palestinians, You Stand With Palestinian Resistance

#11372 | 02:47
Source: Online Platforms - "Various Online Sources"

Participants in the September 2, 2024 "Flood New York City for Gaza" rally expressed support for a number of U.S. designated terror organizations. Participants waved a Hamas flag, a Palestinian flag issued by Samidoun, which was emblazed with the images of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziyad Nakhaleh, and PFLP leader Ahmad Sa'adat, as well as a combined flag of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas's Al-Qassam Brigades, the PFLP, and Fatah's Al-Aqsa's Martyrs Brigades. One of the rally-goers had a button on his backpack of Hamas's Al-Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Obeida.

Nerdeen Kiswani, chair of Within Our Lifetime, said that Israel's time is coming, that a ceasefire is not enough, and that Palestinians will liberate Palestine by any means necessary. She added: "If you stand with Palestinians, you stand with Palestinian resistance."

Abdullah Akl, the political director at MAS Staten Island Center prayed for Allah to grant the people of Gaza victory over "the infidels." One of the worshippers performed sujud kneeling on the combined flag of four U.S. designated terrorist organizations. Video of the prayer was posted on the Instagram account of the Muslim American Society New York area, MAS Youth Center.

Protesters: "Five, six, seven eight... Israel is a terrorist state!"


"Shut it Down! When people don't get... Shut it Down! Shut it Down! Shut it Down! Shut it Down!"


Nerdeen Kiswani: "Israel is not a place, it's a time. Their time is coming.


"A ceasefire is not enough. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians will not have died in vain. They died in pursuit of liberating our homeland, and we will liberate it by any means necessary. By any means necessary. By any means necessary.


"The people standing with Palestine right now are resisting alongside us, from Yemen to Lebanon and beyond. If you stand with Palestinians, you stand with Palestinian resistance."


Abdullah Akl: "Oh Allah, grant victory to your oppressed servants in Gaza. Oh Allah make their feet firm, and grant them victory over the infidels. Oh Allah, make their feet firm. Oh Allah, make their feet firm. Oh Allah, make their feet firm, and grant them victory over the infidels. Grant them victory over the oppressors. Grant them victory over the transgressor Zionists, oh All-Powerful One, oh Steadfast. Oh Allah, liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque in our lifetime. Oh Allah, liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque in our lifetime. Oh Allah, liberate the Al-Aqsa Mosque in our lifetime."

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