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Jan 03, 2025
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Former Hizbullah Secretary-General Subhi Al-Tufayli: New Syrian Regime Must Cut Off The Head Of The Kurdish Snake; Then Its Problems Will Be Solved

#11725 | 02:26
Source: Online Platforms - "Tufayli on YouTube"

Former Hizbullah Secretary-General Subhi Al-Tufayli said in a video posted on his YouTube channel on January 3, 2025 that the Syrian Kurds seek to destroy Syria. He advised Syria to "cut off the head of the Kurdish snake" and said that this would solve all its problems. Al-Tufayli said that their demands for a federal system similar to that of Lebanon and Iraq would "erase Syria" and that Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran don't even dream of such demands. He added that there is no need for Kurds in Syria to become "filthy tools in the hands of the Zionists, Americans, and enemies of Syria," and he warned that people want to plunder Syria's resources, and they will pay with "rivers of blood."

Subhi Al-Tufayli: "[The Kurds in Syria are saying:] 'We want our share. We want a federal system.' They have many demands. They want a regime similar to those in Lebanon and Iraq. They want Syria to be destroyed. They want to erase Syria. Brothers, I would like to draw the Kurds' attention to something. There are many Kurds in Turkey, many in Iraq, and many in Iran, yet they do not even dream [to demand] such a thing, and they never will. There is no need for you in Syria to become filthy tools in the hands of the Zionists, the Americans, and your enemies, who are the enemies of Syria. People who have their eyes set on a little bit of oil in north-east Syria, a little bit of water from the Tigris and the Euphrates, or some agricultural produce, and they want to plunder Syria... It won't be so easy. There will be rivers of blood to pay by anyone attacking Syria's right for honorable life.


"Allow me to say to Syria: Cut off the head of the Kurdish snake. Cut off the head of the Kurdish snake. Once the head of the Kurdish snake is cut off, all the problems in Syria will be over."

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