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Aug 09, 2024
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Former Lebanese Interior Minister Mohammed Fahmi On Hizbullah TV: The Zionists Are A Diabolic Lot; Satan Can Take Lessons From Netanyahu; I Am Over 65, But Am Willing To Go Fight The Israeli Enemy

#11331 | 02:20
Source: Al-Manar TV (Lebanon)

Former Lebanese Interior Minister General (Ret.) Mohammed Fahmi said in an August 9, 2024 show on Al-Manar TV (Hizbullah-Lebanon) that the "Zionist enemy" are barbaric, a "diabolic lot," and he said that Satan can take lessons from Israeli PM Netanyahu. He continued to say that although he is over 65, he is willing to carry a gun and go fight the Israeli enemy. Fahmi further stated that he hopes Israel will be destroyed in his lifetime.

Fahmi: "The whole world has said that because of the barbarism of the Zionist enemy, the [Israelis] will be damned in the garbage bin of history. The people ask: Are they barbaric? And I say: Yes, they are barbaric. Are they criminals? Yes, they are. Are they a diabolic lot? Yes. Are they a Satanic lot? Yes. Ultimately, I can say in a nutshell, that Satan, who is the king of all devils, can take lessons from Netanyahu. Where is the [strong] Israeli army? Within hours, the Palestinian resistance – Hamas and the other factions – managed to enter deep into occupied Palestine."

Interviewer: "So you believe that the destruction of that entity is a matter of time?"

Fahmi: "Absolutely. I don't know how long it will take, but I hope it happens in my lifetime."

Interviewer: "If circumstances allow it, would you want to bear arms again one day, in order to confront the Israeli enemy?"

Fahmi: "As long as I am in good health and can use a gun, which could add to the military effort, then absolutely yes. I will be honored. I can still do it."

Interviewer: "Really? At this age? Although you still look young..."

Fahmi: "I am over 65, but can still do it."

Interviewer: "And you are ready to bear arms?"

Fahmi: "Naturally."

Interviewer: "If you are required to fight the Israeli enemy one day?"

Fahmi: "Absolutely."

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