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Apr 01, 2012
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In 2012 Qatari Prime Minister And Foreign Minister Hamad Bin Jassim: The Americans Know We Will Not Accept Any Hostile Action Against Iran From Qatar – Archival

#11192 | 00:48
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

Hamad bin Jassim, who held the positions of Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister at the time, told Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar) in an April 1, 2012 interview that his country opposes any military confrontation with Iran. He stressed: "The Americans know that we will not accept any hostile action from Qatar against any neighboring country, especially against Iran."

Hamad bin Jassim: "The Iranians and the Americans know that we oppose any military action against Iran."

Interviewer: "Will the Americans ask for your permission?"

Jassim: "The Americans know that we will not accept any hostile action from Qatar, against any neighboring country, especially against Iran."

Interviewer: "There is now escalation between Iran and the U.S. Couldn't the Al-Udeid Air Base be used to..."

Jassim: "I have told you that we will not accept – I am saying this clearly and underlining it twice... We will not accept any hostile action against Iran from Qatar. Full stop."

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