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Apr 11, 2006
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Footage of New Iranian Uranium Enrichment Facility

#1113 | 44
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)

Following is footage of Iran's new uranium enrichment facility. This report was aired on Channel 1 of the Iranian TV on April 11, 2006

News Reporter: In their latest achievement, the experts at the Atomic Energy Organization successfully enriched uranium in laboratory quantities, using a chain of 164 centrifuges.

The importance of operating this chain of 164 centrifuges lies in determining the technical specifications and characteristics of the chain in the process of uranium enrichment. This prepares the ground for the stage of industrial nuclear fuel production, in which hundreds of chains, each consisting of 164 centrifuges, are set up in parallel, in order to produce the quantity of enriched uranium that is needed in order to manufacture the fuel rods for the nuclear power plant.

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