In a November 20 Friday sermon in the Assalam Mosque in Tomblaine, northeast France, Imam Amine Nejdi said: "We reject and condemn all manifestations of violence and terror," adding: "We, the Muslims of France, consider ourselves to be French citizens in the full sense of the word." The sermon was posted on the Internet.
Following are excerpts:
Amine Nejdi: It has become generally acknowledged that the Muslims in France condemn and denounce these tragic acts of terror, and wash their hands of all the ideologies which feed notions that have taken root in the minds of some of the mentally ill.
We, the Muslims of France, emphasize once again that we reject and condemn all manifestations of violence and terror, which completely contradict the Islamic values and principles, which call for peace and brotherhood. We, the Muslims of France, consider ourselves to be French citizens in the full sense of the word. We are an inseparable part of the French nation. We stand in solidarity with all segments of the French people.
We, the Muslims of France, emphasize that we abide by and respect the laws and values of this country. We are not here to break the law. We respect the law. My dear brothers, these are our principles. We stand alongside the innocent victims, both Muslim and non-Muslim. We express our solidarity with the victims, who committed no sin for which they should have been killed. We express our solidarity with the pain of their agonized families. We ask Allah to protect this country, to make its safe, and to let us live in it in safety, because safety is a great blessing from Allah, my dear brothers.