Governor of North Sinai General (Ret.) Khaled Megawer said in a July 24, 2024 interview that aired on Al-Arabiya Network (Saudi Arabia) that there were tunnels that crossed from the Gaza Strip into Egypt in the past, and they indeed caused damage to Egypt, but in 2013 a plan was devised to deal with them and they have since been "completely destroyed."
It is worth nothing that General Khaled Megawer assumed his position recently, on July 7, 2024.
Reporter: "Are there still tunnels between Gaza and Egypt, like Israel claims?"
Khaled Megawer: "There were indeed tunnels at one point, and they were used in a negative way even against Egypt. However, after 2013, we made a plan to completely destroy these tunnels. There was a large number of tunnels, and we destroyed them. The problem is not destroying a tunnel, but eradicating the root cause of the problem.
"We established a very deep buffer zone on our border with the Gaza Strip, and installed technologically sophisticated security devices, so that the tunnels issue will not resurface under any circumstances. Thank God, we were successful, and in a short period of time, the tunnels were completely destroyed."