Following are excerpts from an episode of "Pioneers of Tomorrow," a children's program, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on August 10, 2007:
Nahoul, a giant bee: My friends, Al-Aqsa awaits you. My dears, Al-Aqsa is very sad. My friends, Al-Aqsa is being held prisoner and is besieged by the criminal murderers of children. We must arise in order to take revenge upon the criminal Jews, the occupying Zionists. We must liberate Al-Aqsa. Do you know how we can liberate it and get hold of its key, just like it was liberated by Saladin?
Child host Saraa : How, Nahoul?
Nahoul: How? By means of morning prayers, blood, sacrifice, and pain, by means of martyrs, and with endurance. This is the key. I am so sad, Saraa.
Saraa: Don't be sad, Nahoul. I, you, the dear children, even the older ones – the generation of the "Pioneers of Tomorrow"... Allah willing, we will regain the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and cleanse it of the impurity of the Zionists.
Nahoul: Allah willing.
Saraa: On a different subject, Nahoul, let's see what you got up to this week.
Nahoul: Nothing, Saraa.
Saraa: Let's see for ourselves.
Nahoul enters the cats' cage in the Gaza Zoo
Nahoul: Meow! Meow! I'm opening the door and going in. I opened the door and got into the cage, and the guy didn't see me. I am now standing in the cats' cage. The cats here are asleep – the poor, wretched, imprisoned cats. I feel like abusing them. This cat is asleep. I feel like attacking it.
Nahoul lifts the cat by its tail
Shoo... Meow...
I should get out of here before the guy comes, and I get scolded.
Nahoul throws stones and roars at the lions' cage
Saraa: What have you done, Nahoul? Haven't you heard of the hadith of the Prophet...
Nahoul: No, Saraa, I haven't heard.
Saraa: He said that a woman went to hell because she locked up a cat, without feeding it or letting it eat on its own, Nahoul. Therefore, Allah punished her and sent her to hell. If you keep doing this, you will have the same fate, Nahoul.