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Jun 19, 2020
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Hamas MP Mushir Al-Masri: We Are Ready To Blow Up Buses, Carry Out 'Martyrdom-Seeking' Operations

#8084 | 01:08
Source: Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas/Gaza)

Hamas MP Mushir Al-Masri said at a June 19, 2020 rally that was aired on Al-Aqsa TV (Hamas - Gaza) that Israeli leaders Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz are deluding themselves if they think that Hamas will remain silent while they attempt to "pass the Deal of the Century, annex the West Bank, and Judaize Jerusalem." He said: "We are ready with our weapons [and] our rockets. We are ready to blow up buses [and] carry out martyrdom-seeking operations. Our people are ready for a powerful revolution against the occupier."

Mushir Al-Masri: "Oh enemies, Netanyahu and Gantz, with the accursed Trump behind you, if you think that you can pass the Deal of the Century, annex the West Bank, Judaize Jerusalem, and do away with it, while we remain silent - then you are deluding yourselves! We are holding our weapons in our hands and we are firm in our resolution. We are ready with our weapons. We are ready with our rockets. We are ready to blow up buses. We are ready to carry out martyrdom-seeking operations. Our people are ready for a powerful revolution against the occupier. Allah Akbar and all praise be to Allah!"

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