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Sep 30, 2024
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Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem Following Nasrallah's Assassination: Hizbullah Is Continuing With Its Goals And Jihad; Israel Will Not Be Able To Harm Our Military Capabilities; We Will Elect A New Secretary-General At The Earliest Opportunity

#11447 | 03:15
Source: Al-Araby TV (Qatar)

Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem delivered an address on September 30, 2024 following the assassination of Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, which was aired on Al-Araby TV (Qatar). He said that Hizbullah will continue with its goals and to fight on the frontline of Jihad. Qassem denied that Israel has destroyed most of Hizbullah's medium and long-range missile capabilities. He said: "Israel will not be able to harm our military capabilities." Qassem said that Hizbullah is following its contingency plans for subsisting personnel and commanders following assassination attacks.

Naim Qassem: "We have lost a beloved brother, father, and leader, the honorable Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah, may Allah be pleased with him.


"All our great sacrifices – the pager and wireless [attacks], the martyrdom of our commanders, the martyrdom of our Secretary-General, would have rocked armies, nations, and organizations, but we marched on, with the help of Allah. With the passing days, and despite the pain and the sacrifices, we continue.


"Hizbullah continues with its goals and its [fighting] on the frontline of Jihad. The command and control system and the mujahideen will continue on your path, oh Secretary-General, with the same precision, and the plans you have drawn.


"We will not move even one iota from our honorable positions. The Islamic resistance will continue to confront the Israeli enemy, in support of Gaza and Palestine, in defense of Lebanon and the Lebanese, and in retaliation for the assassinations and the killing of civilians.


"If Israel decides to start a ground [operation], the resistance forces will be ready for ground combat.


"Israel will not be able to harm our military capabilities. The [Israeli] media's claim that they attacked most of our medium and long-range capabilities is nothing but a dream. They did not and will not reach these capabilities.


"Our command and our management of the confrontation follow the hierarchy of Hizbullah, where there are deputies and alternatives for all the commanders, and they are ready in case any commander at any position is hurt. With everything that has happened, we have made sure that the alternatives fill in for the problematic positions. We will elect a Secretary-General at the first opportunity."

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