Houthi leader Abd Al-Malik Al-Houthi declared that his forces had successfully tested a missile that could reach Abu Dhabi. In an address aired by Al-Masirah TV on September 14, Al-Houthi said that Yemenis should take their cue from North Korea, a country that succeeded in making military progress despite international pressure. He reviewed the military development of the Houthi army, focusing on the Houthi missile force, drones, anti-aircraft systems, and navy, and said that in the future, the Houthis would like to launch intensive missile attacks on Saudi Arabia and the UAE and participate in the battle for Palestine. Al-Houthi warned that if the Saudis were to attack Al-Hudayda Port, the Houthis would take unprecedented measures, including the possibility of targeting Saudi oil tankers.
Abd Al-Malik Al-Houthi: "Manpower is indispensable when going into battle. In addition, one must continue to build up one's military capabilities. Our work in that respect has been continuous, of course, and there have been accomplishments for which we are grateful. Our military industry should be encouraged. Take a look, brothers and sisters, at North Korea. Even though North Korea suffers from an economic siege and political isolation, it has reached the point of developing nuclear capabilities. Obviously, developing nuclear capabilities is not relevant in our case. This is not our approach and it is beyond our capabilities. But it serves as an example. In the face of all the pessimists, the defeatists, and the cynics, who suffer from mental diseases... Some people are mentally ill, suffering from a chronic case of feebleness, impotence, and pessimism. North Korea holds its scientists in high esteem and encourages its industry. Instead of mocking and deriding their scientists, they honor and encourage them, and this has brought them to the level of developing nuclear capabilities.
"Our efforts brought us to the point that recently, our missile force succeeded in targeting the oil installations in Yanbu, which is farther than Riyadh. This is a great achievement of our missile capabilities. Obtaining missiles that can reach beyond Riyadh is a great achievement. Great work is being done on various levels of our missile capabilities. This includes medium-range missiles. The missile force industry has had achievements with missiles of various ranges. With regard to medium-range missiles we have production lines, which will be soon able to produce many [missiles], Allah willing. This will enable us to widely expand our missile attacks to significant ranges, which will cover wide areas in Saudi Arabia. In addition, with regard to long-range missiles, we are continuously working and have made important achievements. Just this month, our missile force managed to conduct an important test, launching a missile that could reach Abu Dhabi. This took place on Hijri 8 [August 30]. Our missile force managed to conduct the test, and it was successful. This work is intensive and continuous, so that we will have the ability to launch concentrated missile attacks on very important targets in the UAE.
"All the countries that have economic ties with the UAE, and all the companies with great investments there, should not view the UAE as a safe country. From today, that country might find itself under an attack of missiles, which will hit significant targets there. The UAE should be viewed as an unsafe country.
"[We strive] to be able to launch intensive long-range missile attacks, which will be able to reach any target in Saudi Arabia, and numerous targets in the UAE, and in the future, will be able to reach any target in the UAE, Allah willing. In any case this an achievement. Many countries in the region do not have this capability. They do not have such missiles with a range of over 1,000 kilometers.
"Today, we have advanced drones, which we have tested, and which have penetrated Saudi airspace by hundreds of kilometers. They have long ranges, and we use them today for reconnaissance on various fronts. Soon, Allah willing, they will start bombing operations.
"In this aggression, we are not facing Saudi capabilities, or the capabilities of UAE Bedouin. No. What we are facing in this aggression, is state-of-the-art U.S. technology and capabilities.
"Today, we are working on developing air-defense systems, which will intercept modern aircrafts and modern U.S. capabilities, which will operate in the skies of our country.
"The missile that recently hit Yanbu was not intercepted by the American Patriot batteries, which are equipped with very accurate radar and surveillance systems, intended to detect any missile targeting Saudi Arabia.
"We have the capability to launch an attack not [only] at Bab El-Mandeb Strait, but anywhere in the Red Sea, along the Yemeni shore and all the way to the Saudi shore. We are capable of doing this. We can even reach some of the shores of the African countries. Naturally, we are not saying that our navy poses any threat to international navigation and trade. Our navy does not pose a threat to any country except the Saudi regime, and to the countries directly involved in the aggression against our country. We hope that in the future, we will be able to reach the port of Palestine, and participate in any future war with Israel, in a way that will enable us to do anything to support the Palestinian people, or other people and countries of our Arab and Islamic nation. Our navy does not pose any threat to Egypt, for example, so long as Egypt does not send ships to take part in the invasion of our country.
"If they get the American green light, and, in their stupidity, invade Al-Hudaydah, its port, and its shore, we will definitely take measures that we have not taken before. We may target the Saudi oil tankers. In such an event, our navy may target the oil tankers. Anything we do will be legitimate.
"Starting today, the economic crisis they inflict upon our people, all the huge oil installations in Saudi Arabia may constitute primary targets for our missiles and other capabilities, until they stop their aggression, their economic siege, and their oppression of our people who are robbed of their daily livelihood."