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Aug 23, 2018
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Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham Leader Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani in Eid Al-Adha Address: We Will Not Surrender to the Criminal Regime or Compromise on Our Weapons

#6728 | 02:19
Source: Online Platforms

An address by Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham Leader Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani circulated on telegram channels associated with the organization on the occasion of Eid Al-Adha, celebrated this year on August 20-21. Al-Joulani said that the weapons of the revolution and the Jihad "constitute a 'red line,' on which there can be no compromise" and that "the honorable people of Syria will not allow what happened in the south to be repeated in the north." He called on the people not to heed all the "false rumors" and claimed that "with the grace of Allah, the mujahideen are in the best possible state" and that "they are in their advanced posts, waiting to meet the enemies of Allah in battle."

The following are excepts:


Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani: The phase that the Jihad in Syria is undergoing today requires that we, the Jihad-fighting factions, take an oath before Allah and before our steadfast people that the weapons of the revolution and the Jihad, which were entrusted to us by the Muslims, constitute a "red line," on which there can be no compromise. These weapons will never be discussed at the negotiations table. Our weapons are the source of our power and glory, and govern our decision-making. The moment any one of us considers negotiating his weapon, he has already lost it. The mere thought of surrender and of handing the weapons over to the enemy constitutes a betrayal of Allah, of His Messenger, of the blood shed by the martyrs, and of the prisoners and the displaced. Such a thing constitutes a betrayal of our people, who have made sacrifices, and who have endured injustice and crimes for seven years. The honorable people of Syria will not allow what happened in the south to be repeated in the north.




In the north today, there are noble and honorable men. They will not agree to surrender to the criminal regime. Whoever left his village with his weapons as a mujahir for the sake of Allah did not do so only to return and reconcile with the regime that displaced him in the first place.




Friends and foes alike have realized that the HTS is the largest force of the Sunnis in Syria, and that is why the enemies are trying to derail it, so they can complete their schemes, and put an end to what is left of our revolution. These attempts, however, clash with the awareness of the people of Syria, and with the mature local public opinion. [The people] realize the danger of the claims and demands made by the enemies. They are no longer fooled by these ploys and lies, which were exposed, with the grace of Allah, in Ghouta and elsewhere. We call on our people not to heed all the false rumors, which might demoralize people. With the grace of Allah, the mujahideen are in the best possible state. They are in their advanced posts, waiting to meet the enemies of Allah in battle.



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