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May 13, 2019
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Hay'at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) Leader Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani: Hmeimim Air Base Is Legitimate Target; For Us To Stop Shelling It, Russia Must Cease Support for Syrian Regime

#7214 | 00:50
Source: Online Platforms - "Telegram"

Abu Muhammad Al-Joulani: The Hmeimim base is not a peace base. It is used to kill people. So if there is a retaliation against it… The rebels have the right to shell this base, which is used to kill the Syrian people, and to perpetrate massacres against women and children. So [attacking the base] is normal. The equation is clear. If the Russian leaders want the shelling of Hmeimim to stop, they must stop their support of the regime and stop killing the Syrian people.

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