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Jun 29, 2023
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ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan Said In A June 2023 Talk About Palestinian NGOs: 'They Were Very Upset That I'm Not Giving Preventative Statements… The Result Should Be The Application For Warrants And The Cases That Go Before The Court'

#11375 | 01:07
Source: Online Platforms - "BIICL on YouTube"

In a talk he gave at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), Harry Weinrebe memorial event in June 2023, ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan described a meeting he had with "upset" Palestinian NGOs which had asked him to issue "preventative statements" against Israel. Khan said: "They were very upset I'm not giving preventative statements. I said I'm not a special rapporteur, I'm not the High Commissioner of Human Rights… You apply the law, and the result should be in the applications for warrants or the cases that go before the court. Otherwise, every minute I'd be issuing a preventative statement, which rather than show the strength of international law, may show the impotence." The video of Khan's statements was posted to the BIICL YouTube channel on June 29, 2023.

Karim Khan: "Palestine has not been, Israel has not been forgotten. I am trying to work, but very often there is this disconnect.

"In fact, I was meeting with NGOs the other day, I think two days ago, in the Hague, and I was asked this question, in fact, from some Palestinian NGOs about why I am not giving preventative statements, and it's linked to this, and they were very upset I’m not giving preventative statements.

"I said I'm not a special rapporteur. I'm not the High Commissioner for Human Rights. I mean, does the FBI start giving preventative statements every two minutes, or does the Crown Prosecution Service give preventative statements? You apply the law, and the result should be in the applications for warrants or the cases that go before the court. Otherwise, every minute I'd be issuing a preventative statement, which rather than show the strength of international law may show the impotence."

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