IRGC General Abolfazl Shekarchi, the spokesman of Iran's armed forces, said in a video that was posted on Basij News Agency (Iran) on November 28, 2021 that Iran's "biggest goal" is to remove the "regime that occupies Jerusalem" from the map. He added that Iran considers regimes that "call themselves Muslims," like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE, to be a part of this "fake regime." For more information about General Abolfazl Shekarchi, see MEMRI TV Clips Nos. 9076, 7409, and 7195.
Abolfazl Shekarchi: "The means that Zionism uses is the regime that occupied Jerusalem. We will not back down even a single millimeter from [our goal] or erasing it from the geographical [map] of the world – even if we get chopped up into pieces. This is our biggest ideal.
"This is the biggest goal that we wish to realize.
"This occupying regime has taken over an important part of the Islamic world – the first qibla of the Muslims. From the first qibla of the Muslims, it invades the [lands of] the Muslims, and aggressively attacks them. All those around the world those who call themselves Muslims – like the regimes of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and the UAE, and another regime that helps this fake [Zionist] regime, constitute a part of it, as far as we are concerned."