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Jan 03, 2020
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Iranian Defense Minister General Amir Hatami: Retaliation for Soleimani’s “Martyrdom” May Take Place Anywhere in the World

#7697 | 01:32
Source: Channel 1 (Iran)

In an interview aired on channel 1, Iranian TV on January 3, 2020, Iranian Defense Minister General Amir Hatami referred to the U.S. killing of Qods Force Commander Qasem Soleimani. He said that America should know that "the fighters of the axis of resistance will react decisively." He added that Soleimani's influence was in the global arena and "the reaction to his martyrdom may take place anywhere in the world". Hatami said that the withdrawal of Americans from Iraq will be expedited.

General Amir Hatami: "Today, criminal America revealed its real face to the peoples of the region more than any time in the past. It turned the hero of the struggle against terrorism into a martyr. [America] should know – and indeed, it knows – that the fighters of the axis of resistance will react decisively. What, when, and where this reaction will take place – the fighters of the axis of resistance will decide it. General Soleimani was an international figure of resistance. His influence in the global arena, and the reaction to his martyrdom may take place anywhere in the world.


"The Americans will pay for the more significant consequences of this. The withdrawal of the Americans [from Iraq] will be expedited, without a doubt. They themselves admit this. They should know that they have entered a very harsh fray, and they will face a harsh reaction."

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