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Nov 25, 2024
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On Iranian State TV, Author Mohammad-Taghi Zahedi: The Holocaust Is A 'Fabrication'; It Would Take 68 Years To Exterminate Six Million Jews – Longer Than WWII Itself

#11616 | 03:28
Source: Channel 3 (Iran)

In a November 25, 2024 appearance on Channel 3 (Iran), Iranian researcher and author Mohammad-Taghi Zahedi described the Holocaust as a "fabrication," claiming it was the "final piece in the puzzle of lies" designed to enable the Jews and Zionists to claim victimhood. He argued that the extermination of six million Jews would have taken 68 years, suggesting that the process of killing people one by one in gas chambers and transferring their remains to crematories would not have been feasible within the timeframe of the war. Zahedi further stated that there were fewer than six million Jews in Europe before World War II, claiming that the migration of Jews to Israel after the war disproved the notion that six million Jews were killed.

Mohammad-Taghi Zahedi: "In a way, the Holocaust is part of the Jewish and Zionist process of historical fabrications over time.


"In essence, the Holocaust is the final piece in the puzzle of lies, designed to enable them to claim victimhood.


"The Holocaust had two aspects. It was used to tell the world that the Jews are victims and need their own place, and it also conveyed the message to the Jews that they are not safe, so they should go elsewhere.


"There are many [Holocaust] museums in the United States. The [Jews] display their victimhood in these museums.

"They throw a bunch of shoes in a room, and claim these shoes belonged to those killed [in the Holocaust]. It is a very rich visual display of their fabrication for the people. It is their way of fabricating proof.


"The Americans have fabricated the events of the Holocaust. Once they claim that the Germans intended to kill all the Jews of Europe, the story of the Holocaust started to appear, but it was after WWII. The claim was that the Jews were rounded up in ghettos, then they were transferred to forced labor camps, and from there, they were transferred by trains to small gas chambers, and would be put to death by means of Zyklon B gas. Once dead, their remains would be cremated in furnaces."

Interviewer: "Yes."

Zahedi: "The funny claim is that after the cremation, the remains were turned into soap.


"The greatest doubt about the story of the Holocaust is that this process would take 68 years [to kill] six million people."

Interviewer: "Wow."

Zahedi: "If people are taken one by one to choke to death in gas chambers, and then the remains are taken by train to crematories to be made into dust... This scenario would take longer than the duration of WWII. The next question is how could all these Jews go to Israel from Europe after WWII? There weren't more than six million Jews in Europe then.

"If there were six million Jews, and all of them were killed, there should not have been anyone left to go to Israel."Interviewer: "Indeed."


Zahedi: "The pictures that we have show that they might have died of typhus. They burned the bodies that were piled up in order to control the spread of typhus. After WWII, all the bodies in the pictures were identified as Jew. Although there were perhaps German soldiers or other non-Jews among those [that died] from typhus."

Interviewer: "Yes, correct."

Zahedi: "This is how this great tale was fabricated. No one can speak against the Holocaust in the world."

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