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Aug 27, 2024
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Iran TV Promotes Starbucks Boycott: Barista Writes Customer's Name On Coffee Cup With Severed Hand; TV Host Adds: 'Starbucks Practically Belongs To The Jews, It Is Common Knowledge'

#11360 | 01:29
Source: Channel 2 (Iran)

An Iranian TV show aired on Channel 2 (Iran) on August 27, 2024, promoted a boycott of Starbucks. The host said that the company practically belongs to the Jews, because the main shareholder is a Jew, and this is "common knowledge." The show continued with a video that was circulating online, in which a Starbucks barista writes the name of his costumer on the coffee cup with a severed hand he obtained from a bloodied. The source of the video is unknown, but the actors speak Arabic with an Egyptian accent.

TV Presenter: "Lately, we have been talking about boycotting Israeli products. We talked about Coca Cola yesterday, and we gave you a list of other products. One of the famous companies that thankfully is not in Iran is Starbucks. Its main shareholder is a Jew and this is common knowledge. It [Starbucks] practically belongs to the Jews and this is widely known. There are very good videos made about it. Let's watch a very creative video about boycotting Starbucks:"

Barista: "Welcome, how can I serve you?"

Customer: "A cappuccino, please."

Barista: "Okay. What is your name?"

Customer: "Amjad."

[Barista reaches into a drawer, which is dripping with blood, extracts a severed hand, writes "Amjad" on the cup with the bloody hand, and pours blood into the cup.]

Barista: "Here you go."

[Customer reacts.]

Barista: "Is there a problem, sir?"

Customer: "Sorry, but Amjad is spelled with a Hamza."

Barista: "OMG!"

Outside voices: "Boycott! People are being torn to pieces!"

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