Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivered a Friday Sermon in Tehran on January 17, 2020. In his sermon, Khamenei stated that a "day of Allah" was a day when a person could see God's hand in what is happening. Khamenei said that the funeral of Qods Force commander Qasem Soleimani, attended by "tens of millions," and the IRGC missiles "crushing" U.S. bases in Iraq are "days of Allah." Khamenei added that "some people" have been misled by American TV and English radio stations, which have tried to present the "bitter incident of the plane crash," referring to the Iranian downing of a Ukrainian Airlines passenger plane, in a manner that overshadows these aforementioned events. The crowd responded to Khamenei's statements with chants of "death to America," "death to England," and "death to Israel." The sermon was aired on the Iranian IRINN TV.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei: "What is 'the day of Allah'? It is a day when a person can see the powerful hand of God in what is happening. It is the day when tens of millions in Iran and hundreds of thousands in Iraq and some other countries took to the streets to cherish the blood of the commander of the Qods Force, creating the largest funeral in the world. This constitutes one of the days of Allah. It could not have happened if not for the powerful hand of God. The day when the IRGC missiles crushed the American base constitutes another one of the days of Allah."
Crowd: "Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Khamenei is the Leader! Death to those who oppose the Rule of the Jurisprudent! Death to America! Death to England! Death to the hypocrites and the infidels! Death to Israel!"
Khamenei: "The place crash was a bitter incident. Our hearts are aching in the full sense of the word. The loss of our dear youth, our dear people – and people from other countries who were here – it was a very bitter incident. There is no doubt about it. But some people have been misled by the American TV stations and English radio channels, and have tried to present it in a manner that would overshadow the day of Allah, following the great martyrdom of the two great martyrs [Soleimani and Al-Muhandis].
"The events of the day of Allah when the funeral was held and the events of the day of Allah when the American base was crushed will never leave the minds of these people. Inshallah, they will be more alive every day that goes by."
Crowd: "Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Allah Akbar! Khamenei is the Leader! Death to those who oppose the Rule of the Jurisprudent! Death to America! Death to England! Death to the hypocrites and the infidels! Death to Israel!"