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May 11, 2019
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Iranian Ayatollah Noorollah Tabarsi: England's Name in Heaven is "Satan"; Death to All Our Enemies

#7230 | 01:22
Source: Mazandaran TV (Iran)

In a Friday sermon from Sari, Iran, which aired on Mazandaran TV (Iran) on May 11, 2019, Ayatollah Noorollah Tabarsi, Khamenei's representative in the Mazandaran Province, said that China and Russia are the only countries left to have allied themselves with Iran, and that it is in everybody else's "essence" to oppose Iran. He cited a religious scholar that said that England is referred to as "Satan" in Heaven and that America has been "taking lessons" from England. He added: "Death to America, to Israel, to the Saud clan, to England, to France, to Germany… Allah willing, death to them all!" The sermon was delivered in Sari, Iran.

Following are excerpts:


Ayatollah Noorollah Tabarsi: Only Russia and China are left [with us]. All the others – that's their essence. One religious scholar said something very nice. He said: England was named "Sata" in Heaven and "England" in this world. These are the people we are dealing with. America only came 50 years later. Now it's taking lessons from England.




We shall all participate in the rally [after the prayer], and will make the same statements that we have always made: Death to America, to Israel, to the Saud clan, to England, to France, to Germany… Allah willing, death to them all!

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