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Oct 21, 2005
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Iranian Leader Khamenei: Even Europe Is Not Safe from the Americans

#898 | 02:43
Source: IRINN TV (Iran)

Following are excerpts from a Friday sermon at Tehran University delivered by Iranian leader Ali Khamenei. IRINN TV aired this sermon on October 21, 2005.

Khamenei: The American government and American politicians claim that Iran seeks to obtain nuclear weapons. They know that they are lying, as do those who hear their speeches and applaud them in various forums – They too know they are lying.

Human rights are not important to them at all. You saw this with Hurricane Katrina in America. Since the people there were black, the aid that the American government could have given to them was not given. That is what the American people said – both blacks and non-blacks. They cried it out loud.

They are interested in two things. First, for most American governments generating crises around the world is a necessity and a tactical need, so as to distract people's attention from domestic issues and problems. That's how it has always been. Now an extremist, warmongering government is in power in America. Their interests require them to create problems in various corners of the world and to inflate other issues. They either create crises, or else they portray minor events to their people as though they are crises. This is their policy. That's the first thing.

The second thing is that American governments – and especially this warmongering extremist government – want to establish an empire and world domination. This domination is not just over the Middle East. Of course, at present the Middle East is on the agenda, but they won't be content with the Middle East alone. Their European partners also know this very well. The European countries know that the day America takes over the Middle East, Central Asia, and other sensitive areas in the world, even Europe won't be safe from them.

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