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Apr 25, 2009
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Iranian Minister of Intelligence Mohseni-Ejehei on American Reporter Arrested in Iran: She Is an Iranian Citizen Traveling on an Iranian Passport

#2091 | 01:39
Source: IRINN TV (Iran)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Iranian Minister of Intelligence Gholam Hossein Mohseni-Ejehi, which aired on IRINN TV on April 25, 2009.

Gholam Hossein Mohseni-Ejehi: First, I would like to say that Roxana Saberi has Iranian citizenship, and that she entered Iran on her Iranian passport. When she was arrested, she did not deny that she was Iranian. She is an Iranian, and she entered Iran on her Iranian passport. Even though she also has U.S. citizenship, she entered Iran now as an Iranian. She has Iranian citizenship, and she perpetrated a crime.

This criminal was under surveillance, in accordance with the laws and regulations of this country. The initial investigation was carried out by the Ministry of Intelligence, which specializes in issues of security and counter-intelligence. The ministry submitted its report to the judiciary, which turned to the prosecution for further investigation. The prosecution determined that the crime was premeditated, and so it indicted her. Then the indictment went to court, and the court issued a verdict. The court found her guilty, and sentenced her accordingly. Obviously, as you know, this verdict – like many other verdicts in our courts – may be subject to review. This verdict is under review, and now we must wait for the next stage, and see what the result of the court's review will be.

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