Following are excerpts from a public address delivered by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which aired on Esfahan TV on May 25, 2007:
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Iran's nuclearization has become such an important issue that the superpowers consider it to be a death [sentence] for them. They say that Iran's nuclearization means the annihilation of the superpowers.
Their presence, their hegemony, and their bombastic power are all collapsing. You can see this. They made a decision in December, followed by widespread propaganda. They began to say: "We are going to impose sanctions, and to pass a resolution, and then the entire Iranian people will die of hunger. The entire world must form one line against Iran, they must sever all their economic and banking relations with Iran, and they must refrain from selling it any spare parts, and so on." They made such a fuss in the media.
Let me tell you, we have inside information on them. They thought that once they pass a resolution, the entire world, the media, and the governments would be against us. [They thought] the Iranian people would have no choice but to prostrate itself and surrender. But what happened? Since the Iranian people stood its ground for the sake of God, when the [U.N.] passed the resolution, even their own people did not know that the decision had been passed.
At that time, I went to South America, I went there deliberately, in order to say to them: "This decision of yours worthless in the eyes of the Iranian people."
Crowd: Allah Akbar
Allah Akbar
Allah Akbar
Death to America
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: I went there as your representative in order to say: Dear sir, you sit there and tell Iran what to do from afar? The Iranian people, right next to you [in Iraq], will tell you what to do, and we will give you your marching orders.
Death to America
Death to America
When we went to [South America], the officials there did not even know that there had been a resolution. They said to us: "What resolution?" They were told that a resolution had been passed about sanctions against Iran. They answered: "Forget it, tear it up, and throw it away, it is worthless."
They made an unlawful decision to refer the dossier to the Security Council. We said to them: If you do so, bad things will happen to you. After all, it is the Iranian people you are dealing with, and you don't know the Iranian people.
Eventually, they referred the dossier to the Security Council. We said: "Our response is to open the will be to open the uranium enrichment [facilities] in Natanz, and to start enrichment, so that you will know exactly who you are dealing with." Then we opened the Natanz [facilities]. They raised hell, but we activated two cascades there, and on April 9, 2006, we held a ceremony in Mashhad, and announced that we have become nuclear. They realized that things were really bad, and they made us a proposal. They said: "We will offer you power plants, refrigerators, television sets, stoves, and even those things to heat food in, on condition that you close down these facilities." We answered that we are indeed in favor of dialogue, but that we will give you all those things you mentioned, on condition that you close down your own [nuclear] facilities. We will manufacture [nuclear] fuel, and sell it to you at a cheaper price."
We will sign a contract with you and will not violate it. We assure you that we will supply you with better fuel, and 30% cheaper than yours.