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Jul 11, 2006
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Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: When the Muslim Peoples' Rage Explodes, the Waves Will Reach the Corrupt Forces in the World

#1187 | 01:24
Source: IRINN TV (Iran)

Following are excerpts from a speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, which aired on the Iranian News Channel (IRINN) on July 11, 2006.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: Today, it has been proven that the Zionists are not opposed only to Islam and the Muslims. They are opposed to humanity as a whole. They want to dominate the entire world. They would even sacrifice the Western regimes for their own sake. I have said in Tehran, and I say it again here - I say to the leaders of some Western countries: Stop supporting these corrupt people. Behold, the rage of the Muslim peoples is accumulating. The rage of the Muslim peoples may soon reach the point of explosion. If that day comes, they must know that the waves of this explosion will not be restricted to the boundaries of our region. They will definitely reach the corrupt forces that support this fake regime.

Crowd: Allah Akbar.

Allah Akbar.

Allah Akbar.

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