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May 06, 2015
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Iraqi Poet As'ad Al-Ghurairy: Democracy Is a Bad Word, Terror One of the Most Beautiful Words in the Quran

#4910 | 02:07
Source: Alghad (UAE/Egypt)

In a recent TV interview, Iraqi poet As'ad Al-Ghurairy said: "The greatest conspiracy of all is embodied in the word 'democracy'," which, he said, he considered a "bad word." The word "terror," on the other hand, was derived “from one of the most beautiful words in the Quran," according to Al-Ghurairy, who cited the Quranic verse "Strike terror in the hearts of the enemies of Allah and of your own" to support his claim. The interview aired on Al-Ghad Al-Arabi TV on May 6, 2015.

Following are excerpts:

As'ad Al-Ghurairy: The Iraqi resistance postponed the "Greater Middle East" enterprise. At that point, the U.S. resorted to another plan, led by "sister" Condeleezza Rice: constructive anarchy. You tell me, what kind of an expression is this? How do you use anarchy and morality in the same equation? Sadly, some Arab ignoramuses took a liking to this expression, and jumped up on the American bandwagon…

Interviewer: They considered it to be an indication of progress.

As'ad Al-Ghurairy: They tried to sell us all kinds of new notions. I say this loud and clear: The greatest conspiracy of all is embodied in the word "democracy." By using this bad word, "democracy," they wished to strike a blow at the "shura" of the Prophet Muhammad.

Interviewer: Just to make things clear, you consider "democracy" a bad word?

As'ad Al-Ghurairy: Of course.

Interviewer: How come?

As'ad Al-Ghurairy: First of all, in democracy, when someone loses, even if only by 10%, he loses the right to be involved in the decision-making.


They derived "terrorism" from one of the most beautiful words in the Quran: "Strike terror in the hearts of the enemies of Allah and of your own." "Strike terror" means to cause fear. Sister Karima, pay attention to what "terrorism" means: I terrorize you in order to make you afraid, so that you will not do things that are prohibited.


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