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Jul 19, 2014
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Iraqi Shiite Militia Leader Vows to Turn Sunni Cities into Rubble

#4393 | 01:56
Source: Online Platforms

Iraqi Shiite Militia leader Watheq Al-Battat recently vowed to take revenge for the mass graves and car bomb attacks in Iraq. "Turn their cities into rubble. Crush their children and elderly," said Al-Battat.

Following are excerpts from the video, posted on the Internet on July 19, 2014:

Watheq Al-Battat: We are coming. We are coming to kill [Sunnis]. We are coming to take revenge, and we will show no mercy. We are coming to avenge the martyrs – from the martyr Al-Sadiq to the very last martyr of the ongoing battles. We are coming to take revenge for the mass graves. We are coming to avenge the martyrs killed in car bomb attacks. We are coming to take revenge.

I gave [my men] instructions to show them no mercy whatsoever, to treat them with no forgiveness. Turn their cities into rubble. Crush their children and elderly.


We will show you no mercy, and we don't want you to show us any mercy either. We are coming. You have chosen death, while we have chosen life. You have decided that you want to die, while we have chosen eternal life alongside Hussein.

We want you to face us like real men. We want you to bring it on. We want you to heed our call, and come to us so we can fight.


It has been ordained that we wage Jihad against them and fight them. It has been ordained that we take revenge upon them and tear them to pieces. Our [war] with them will be determined by the sword.


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