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Jul 28, 2012
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Islamist Egyptian Lawyer Muntassir Al-Zayat: A Malaysian Muslim Is Better than a Christian Egyptian

#3515 | 49
Source: Al-Nahar TV (Egypt)

Following are excerpts from an interview with Egyptian Salafi lawyer Muntassir Al-Zayat, which aired on Al-Nahar TV on July 28, 2012.

Interviewer: Do you agree that a Malaysian Muslim is better than an Egyptian Christian – or, at least, closer [to you]?

Muntassir Al-Zayat: With regard to relations – yes, of course I agree.

Interviewer: You do?

Muntassir Al-Zayat: Yes, of course. Brotherly relations in Islam are universal.

Interviewer: But what about your common citizenship?

Muntassir Al-Zayat: There is no contradiction.


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