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Sep 29, 2014
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Jabhat Al-Nusra Vows to Avenge Death of Members Killed in Coalition Airstrikes

#4526 | 01:50
Source: Al-Jazeera Network (Qatar)

In this TV report on the coalition airstrikes on Jabhat Al-Nusra headquarters in Syria, fighters vowed that Jabhat Al-Nusra would continue to fight and would avenge the deaths of those members killed in the attack. "America should know that it cannot eliminate Jihad in the Levant," a masked leader said in the September 29, 2014 Al-Jazeera report. "All the global forces of heresy will not succeed in imposing a collaborating regime upon you."

Reporter: “Several Jabhat Al-Nusra military headquarters west of Aleppo were reduced to rubble. These buildings were targeted by the international coalition a few days ago, at the onset of the military campaign against ISIS and Jabhat Al-Nusra.

“The strike consisted of four Tomahawk cruise missiles, launched from the coalition bases in the Red Sea, followed by an air raid by international coalition planes.

“These two Jabhat Al-Nusra headquarters were reduced to rubble. Dozens of Al-Nusra fighters were killed or wounded, including one of its leaders and most skilled snipers, Abu Yusuf Al-Turki.

“ The Al-Nusra leaders have threatened to avenge the killing of their comrades.”

Unknown Voice: “American should know that it cannot eliminate jihad in the Levant. True, they managed to kill Abu Yusuf the sniper, but Abu Yusuf trained hundreds of snipers, who await the arrival of the Crusaders in the Levant.

“ Jabhat Al-Nusra will continue to fight in defense of the people of the Levant and the honor of their women. Supporting them was the only reason we set out [on jihad].”

“I say to the people of the Levant: As long as we are among you, all the global forces of heresy will not succed in imposing a collaborating regime upon you. Syria will be government by nothing but the shari’a of Allah.”

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