Al-Jazeera TV host Jamal Rayyan said that "the Zionist entity is a foreign body on Palestinian and Arab land" and that like the sea, Palestine "will spew out that which is foreign." "They will go back to where they came from," he said. Rayyan posted the video of his statements on YouTube on March 27.
Jamal Rayyan: "Why does Palestine have to fight on behalf of the Arabs? Why does it have to guard the Al-Aqsa Mosque on behalf of the Arabs? Why does it have to defend their honor on their behalf? Why does it have to preserve their Arab identity on their behalf? Why do the Palestinians have to die in order to get the message across? By Allah, if not for the Al-Aqsa Brigades and the PFLP, they would be trampled underfoot. If not for Hamas, they would be slaves. If not for the Islamic Jihad, they would become dust.
"Palestine will return. Palestine is like the sea. It will spew out that which is foreign. That is what we have been taught by nature. The Zionist entity is a foreign body on Palestinian and Arab land – foreign in terms of culture, language, religion, and traditional customs. They will never succeed in changing our identity. They are foreigners, and foreigners are destined to be expelled by their surroundings. They will go back to where they came from."