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Jul 12, 2024
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Kansas City Friday Sermon: The Jews Are Cursed By Allah; They Murdered The Prophets Sent To Them; They Claimed To Have Killed Jesus

#11382 | 01:53
Source: Peace TV (UAE)

In a Friday, July 12, 2024 sermon at the Islamic Center of Kansas in Kansas City, the imam said that the Jews had broken their covenant with Allah and murdered His prophets, and as a result lost Allah's favor and are now cursed by Him. The sermon was livestreamed on the Islamic Center's YouTube channel.

Imam: "Because of [the Jews'] rejection of the promise that they themselves had made, because of them breaking this covenant they made with Allah, they received – instead of being favored and chosen – they have now become cursed by Allah.


"It is not a matter of the blood that flows in anyone's veins. It is not a matter of the language they speak. It is not a matter of which land they come from or which prophets they descend from, or which prophets they claim to follow. It's a matter of actual action that is to be done.

"After generation after generation of the promise being forgotten and being broken... Allah even tells us to the extent, in another verse in a different chapter [in the Quran]: 'Because of their breaking of their promise, because of their rejection of the signs of Allah, and because of them murdering the Prophets of Allah unjustly.'

"Imagine, the covenant they made was: 'We will support the prophets that are sent to guide us.' Instead, they do the exact opposite. They would murder the prophets that were sent to them. And they would claim that they have killed Jesus. Because of this, this favor of Allah is no longer theirs!"


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